8. Days of destruction, dirt and discovery

Gen like totally pwns the cabinet monstrosity in an awesome display of revenge against insensitive period decor.

And is rewarded with a sandstone hearth! There is a god.

The underlying wall had been decorated in the time before blancmange was outlawed as a building material.

Well that’s much better! Gen’s work here is done. I’m sure the rest will buff out…

I’m convinced the kitchen door is a typical example of Fifties minimalism concealing a beautiful Victorian panelled door. I’m careful not to bruise the wood with the prybar I bought specifically for this exciting task.

Ah. It seems as if someone was trying to get in.

While perhaps someone else was trying to keep them out! Why else would you have a lock like this on the inside of the only door in a kitchen. The door admittedly leads to the garden, but you’d have to unlock it to leave and it cannot be locked from the outside. We are still puzzling over this one, although it reminds me of the front door of some good friends of mine who’s wildly drunken “discussions” caused their front door to exhibit strikingly similar “weathering patterns”.

And of course the now familiarly polite ubiquitous odd message written in chalk on the back of the removed panel. Again, still puzzling – suggestions on a postcard please. Oh, thanks.

But wait! We unwittingly slipped into mindless cogitation- there’s more considered smashing to be done!

The finished alcove.

Utter exhaustion, hosted by the only room in the house we have yet to vanquish.

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